Neutered Valentines
David Bromwich: James Agee, 7 September 2006
‘Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’, ‘A Death in the Family’, Shorter Fiction
by James Agee.
Library of America, 818 pp., $35, October 2005,1 931082 81 2 Show More
by James Agee.
Library of America, 818 pp., $35, October 2005,
Film Writing and Selected Journalism
by James Agee.
Library of America, 748 pp., $40, October 2005,1 931082 82 0 Show More
by James Agee.
Library of America, 748 pp., $40, October 2005,
“... without limit, and, lacking the certainty of a completed thing, will never entirely disappoint. James Agee had a fortunate career on the face of it, as a New York freelance for almost two decades and then as a screenwriter. One of the large talents of American writing in the 1940s, Agee was a Southerner, from Knoxville, Tennessee, who came North, stayed and ... ”