Not Rocket Science
Alexander Nehamas, 22 June 2000
On Beauty and Being Just
by Elaine Scarry.
Princeton, 134 pp., $15.95, September 1999,0 691 04875 4 Show More
by Elaine Scarry.
Princeton, 134 pp., $15.95, September 1999,
Air Guitar: Essays on Art and Democracy
by Dave Hickey.
Art Issues, 216 pp., £15.95, September 1998,0 9637264 5 5 Show More
by Dave Hickey.
Art Issues, 216 pp., £15.95, September 1998,
“... arrives ‘regular as clockwork’, even in Las Vegas). He adores jazz, bebop and rock-and-roll; Andy Warhol and Edward Ruscha; pop music, he writes, is ‘the dominant art form of this American century’ and without it the work of Jackson Pollock, Stan Brakhage and Warhol wouldn’t have been possible. He is always ... ”