Let us breakfast in splendour
Charles Nicholl: Francis Barber, 16 July 2015
The Fortunes of Francis Barber: The True Story of the Jamaican Slave Who Became Samuel Johnson’s Heir
by Michael Bundock.
Yale, 282 pp., £20, May 2015,978 0 300 20710 1 Show More
by Michael Bundock.
Yale, 282 pp., £20, May 2015,
“... without exception he is spoken of with affection, or anyway approval. The chief exception is Sir John Hawkins, the author of the first proper biography of Johnson (published in 1787, four years before Boswell’s), and also the man for whom Johnson invented the word ‘unclubbable’ (a nice way of saying he was a crusty old snob who seldom had a good word ... ”