‘We’ and ‘You’
Owen Bennett-Jones: Suburban Jihadis, 27 August 2015
‘We Love Death as You Love Life’: Britain’s Suburban Terrorists
by Raffaello Pantucci.
Hurst, 377 pp., £15.99, March 2015,978 1 84904 165 2 Show More
by Raffaello Pantucci.
Hurst, 377 pp., £15.99, March 2015,
“... of those in the government have tended to harden. A few weeks after the attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, Tony Blair told the Labour Party conference that people should keep in mind the common values of Jews, Muslims and Christians. ‘The true followers of Islam are our brothers and sisters in this struggle,’ he said. ‘Bin Laden is no more ... ”