Why the Tortoise Lost
John Sturrock, 18 September 1997
Bergson: Biographie
by Philippe Soulez and Frédéric Worms.
Flammarion, 386 pp., frs 140, April 1997,9782080666697 Show More
by Philippe Soulez and Frédéric Worms.
Flammarion, 386 pp., frs 140, April 1997,
“... In the years before 1914, the open lectures that Henri Bergson gave at the Collège de France were the prototype in intellectual chic for the barnstorming Parisian ‘seminars’ of Jacques Lacan in the Sixties and Seventies, even if the topics that the fashionable came to hear were as dry as the lecturer’s podium manner: ‘The Evolution of Theories of Memory’, ‘Theories of the Will’, ‘The Nature of Mind and Its Relation to Cerebral Activity ... ”