Tom Paulin: Ted Hughes and the Hare, 29 November 2007
Letters of Ted Hughes
edited by Christopher Reid.
Faber, 756 pp., £30, November 2007,978 0 571 22138 7 Show More
edited by Christopher Reid.
Faber, 756 pp., £30, November 2007,
“... Between leaving school and going to Cambridge, Ted Hughes did his National Service in the RAF. Writing from RAF West Kirby, in the Wirral, to a friend, Edna Wholey, in 1949 – characteristically there is no date on the letter – he exults in the wild weather:Edna, I’ve seen rain and I tell you this isn’t rain, – a steady river, well laced with ice, tempest and thunder, covers all this land, and what isn’t concrete has reverted to original chaos of mud water fire and air ... ”