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Managing the Nation

Jonathan Parry, 18 March 2021

Conservatism: The Fight for a Tradition 
by Edmund Fawcett.
Princeton, 525 pp., £30, October 2020, 978 0 691 17410 5
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... and any threat it might have posed to the Conservative electoral juggernaut at the 2015 election. Nick Clegg and David Laws would have done better to reflect on the lessons of the 1880s. If free-market pro-EU Liberals had fought the 2015 election as a small but boisterous and essential entity within a Cameron-led coalition, on the model of the Liberal ...

Cash Today

Andrew McGettigan: Who profits from student loans?, 5 March 2015

... issued from 2012 onwards. Just seven months later, in July last year, Cable announced that he and Nick Clegg had agreed not to proceed with the sale. (As secretary of state with ultimate responsibility for universities, the decision whether or not to sell rests with Cable.) Not that Osborne and the Treasury have been dissuaded. Osborne announced in the ...

In Defence of Rights

Philippe Sands and Helena Kennedy, 3 January 2013

... We were appointed to the Commission on a Bill of Rights in March 2011 by Nick Clegg. The circumstances were not auspicious, and we were concerned from the outset that our composition – all white, almost all male, almost all lawyers and London-based – would undermine our ability to speak with any legitimacy ...

What’s the point of HS2?

Christian Wolmar, 17 April 2014

... is a very important part of the wider revamping and modernisation’ of UK infrastructure (Nick Clegg); ‘HS2 connects up the economic heart of the country’ (Andrew Adonis). And so on. The methodology on which the case for HS2 rests has been quietly set aside by its supporters, who now claim that the arguments were never about business cases ...

Notes on the Election

David Runciman: Power v. Power, 9 April 2015

... is even more courteous and if anything even more condescending. At the other end of the scale is Nick Ferrari on LBC, host of the phone-ins Call Clegg and Ask Boris, who alternates between chummy complicity and violent outrage, often abruptly switching from one to the other, prompted by what he takes to be egregious ...

The Breakaway

Perry Anderson: Goodbye Europe, 21 January 2021

... provided the coalition with enough seats for a comfortable majority of 76 in the Commons. Under Nick Clegg, who promptly scuttled his party’s pledge to scrap tuition fees for higher education, the Lib Dems were at one with the Tories in forcing harsh austerity on the country, but as a party remained unconditionally pro-European. The first test of the ...

Labour dies again

Ross McKibbin, 4 June 2015

... legislation many of them did not like, despite claiming they weren’t lobby fodder. And Nick Clegg’s assertion that they were proud of what the coalition had done, though they weren’t really full partners in it, yet would probably form another coalition with the Tories even so, was utterly unconvincing. The history of the old Liberal Party ...

Fever Dream

William Davies: Fourteen Years Later, 4 July 2024

... illegally? GO HOME OR FACE ARREST.’ The Bank of England prints another hundred billion pounds. Nick Clegg.What is it that is coming to a close? This fourteen-year fever dream of failures, absurdities and outbursts of reaction defies the neat periodisation or symbolisation with which the Thatcher and Blair epochs have become fixed. Some of that comes ...

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