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Robin Hood in a Time of Austerity

James Meek, 18 February 2016

... highest of all in the United States. The line ‘There’s one for you, 19 for me,’ in George Harrison’s song ‘Taxman’, released by the Beatles in 1966, referred to the 95 per cent tax rate paid by the very richest fraction of the British population, which included George Harrison. At one point in Britain in the ...

Walk on by

Andrew O’Hagan, 18 November 1993

... for the longest hour, remained undisturbed. Then I got two pound coins in quick succession.St Martin-in-the Fields Day-Centre, at Trafalgar Square, was due to open at 6.30 the evening I went. I arrived there just after five and already there were two dozen people waiting around outside. An elderly man in a grey coat, with white hair and beard and no ...

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