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The New World Disorder

Tariq Ali, 9 April 2015

... should we look for a solution? One of the more creative thinkers today is the German sociologist Wolfgang Streeck, who makes it clear that an alternative structure for the European Union is desperately needed and that it will necessitate more democracy at every stage – at a provincial and city level as well as a national and European level. There ...

Ever Closer Union?

Perry Anderson, 7 January 2021

... the jurists Dieter Grimm (Germany) and Thomas Horsley (Britain); the sociologists Claus Offe and Wolfgang Streeck (Germany); the political scientists Christopher Bickerton (Britain), Morten Rasmussen (Denmark) and Antoine Vauchez (France); the historians Kiran Klaus Patel (Germany) and Vera Fritz (Luxembourg). In the work of these and other ...

What Europeans Talk about when They Talk about Brexit

LRB Contributors: On Brexit, 3 January 2019

... nation-state, but of all nation-states, keeps raising alarm bells in other European countries’ (Wolfgang Streeck). ‘This is why we outlawed these crappy referendums. First the British, now the Turks!’ (man at my local bakery in Berlin). Brexit has contributed to a gradual but tidal change in the way Germans see Europe. On the one hand, it is ...

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