Georgie came, Harry went
Frank Kermode, 25 April 1991
A Passionate Apprentice. The Early Journals of Virginia Woolf, 1897-1909
edited by Mitchell Leaska.
Hogarth, 444 pp., £25, October 1990,0 7012 0845 7 Show More
edited by Mitchell Leaska.
Hogarth, 444 pp., £25, October 1990,
“... awards one to ‘Bosphorus’, himself spelling it ‘Bosporus’, though when the versatile Miss Stephen spells it that way a few pages on, she gets another sic. And with so many of them flying about one can’t help noticing places where they are needed but are absent. Mr Leaska has written a long, informative and devout introduction, filling in much ... ”