Space Wars
Fredric Jameson, 4 April 1996
The Invisible in Architecture
edited by Ole Bouman and Roemer van Toorn.
Academy, 516 pp., $115, February 1994,1 85490 285 7 Show More
edited by Ole Bouman and Roemer van Toorn.
Academy, 516 pp., $115, February 1994,
The Classical Vernacular: Architectural Principles in an Age of Nihilism
by Roger Scruton.
Carcanet, 158 pp., £19.95, October 1994,1 85754 054 9 Show More
by Roger Scruton.
Carcanet, 158 pp., £19.95, October 1994,
“... and not to be stamped out by puritanical conceptions of what the beautiful ought to be (but see Roger Scruton, below). To be sure, both Baudrillard and Susan Sontag have recommended something like a diet cure for images: that we try to be reasonable and reduce our intake, to fast once in a while perhaps, and exercise other senses. Yet this is ... ”