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Rough, tough and glamorous

D.A.N. Jones, 24 May 1990

That was business, this is personal: The Changing Faces of Professional Crime 
by Duncan Campbell.
234 pp., £14.95, April 1990, 0 436 19990 4
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... might conjecture that mugging is a fashion – seen as a risky, exciting thing to do, while one is young – an established fashion, turning into a tradition. So, I turned to the eighth of the interviews with jaunty tough-guys, scattered through the book, for it is entitled ‘The Black Geezer’. This man claims to have served seven years for armed ...

Short Cuts

Matt Foot: Corrupt Cops, 8 February 2024

... were arrested. Five were found guilty of a variety of charges, ranging from ‘attempting to rob’ to ‘assault with intent to rob’ and were variously sentenced from six months’ detention to three years’ imprisonment. The report did not mention that this was a West Indian ‘gang’, or that the police ...

Strindberg in Skovlyst

Robin Robertson, 18 November 2010

... when he shares his hopes for advancement – the dream of climbing to the top of the high tree to rob the nest of its golden egg – but how the trunk is too smooth to gain purchase, and the branches too high to catch hold. Exterior. Garden. The Countess and the playwright walking between the vegetable plots, overgrown with burdock and nettles, cobbled with ...

Joint Enterprise

Francis FitzGibbon, 3 March 2016

... when their involvement – if any – was too remote to expose them fairly to criminal liability. Young black men made up an alarming and disproportionately high number of those found guilty of murder on this basis. In October the Supreme Court heard Ameen Jogee’s appeal against his 2010 murder conviction (the same judges, sitting as the Judicial Committee ...


Michael Taussig: In Colombia, 5 October 2006

... desperate need for health services, not least to deal with sexually transmitted illness among the young and poor, there is no shortage of breast implants, liposuction and hymen restoration costing upwards of US $400, in a society where the basic wage is around $160 a month. Of course, as with back-alley abortions, there are aesthetic surgeons who work for as ...

Move like a party

Mendez: George Michael’s Destiny, 5 January 2023

George Michael: A Life 
by James Gavin.
Abrams, 502 pp., £25, June 2023, 978 1 4197 4794 6
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George Michael: Freedom Uncut 
directed by David Austin and George Michael.
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... you know from that moment on not to trust the industry.Wham!’s first hit, in 1982, was ‘Young Guns (Go for It)’, which seemed to stall at No. 42 in the charts, though the band had performed it on the kids’ show Saturday Superstore. But Michael Hurll, a producer at Top of the Pops, had been watching and invited them on after another act ...

En famille

Douglas Johnson, 16 August 1990

Little Gregory 
by Charles Penwarden.
Fourth Estate, 247 pp., £13.99, August 1990, 1 872180 31 0
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... by the Police. Eugène Weidemant, who used to shoot his victims in the back of the neck and then rob them of ludicrously small sums of money: his was the last public execution in France, in June 1939, due to the shock caused by his admirers, who had soaked their handkerchiefs in his blood and kept them proudly. Dr Pétiot, a former mayor of his commune, who ...

That’s America

Stephen Greenblatt, 29 September 1988

‘Ronald Reagan’, the Movie, and Other Episodes in Political Demonology 
by Michael Rogin.
California, 366 pp., £19.95, April 1987, 0 520 05937 9
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... a convenient gloss on the word ‘glamour’. Witches, the Dominican inquisitors tell us, can rob a man of his penis or at least make him think that he has been robbed. The victim wakes up in the morning, looks down and sees nothing there – or rather he sees, where his penis should be, what is called a ‘glamour’. Under Nancy’s adoring gaze, Ronald ...

At the Movies

Michael Wood: ‘Milk’ , 1 January 2009

... who have committed suicide – and elsewhere in the movie we see him taking calls from a desperate young man ready to do the same – and says he wants to end these needless deaths, to abolish the ubiquitous pressure towards guilt and hiding. What’s moving and powerful here is not the slightly saintly flavour of Milk’s stance – he must be as ambitious as ...

Aaron, Gabriel and Bonaparte

Amanda Prantera, 19 December 1985

The Periodic Table 
by Primo Levi, translated by Raymond Rosenthal.
Joseph, 233 pp., £9.95, October 1985, 9780718126360
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... exceptions, lead us into the war years, following the itinerary of a highly gifted and sensitive young man in search of work in an ever more hostile environment, and showing us how, slowly and painfully, from the rebuffs and humiliations he received, he awakens first to social and then to political awareness. From rock-climbing, one of the favourite pastimes ...

Living for ever

Mary Renault, 18 September 1980

The Cult of the Immortal 
by Ange-Pierre Leca.
Souvenir, 304 pp., £8.95, July 1980, 0 285 62393 1
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... and archaeology are natural enough: but that men who believed as the Egyptians did were ready to rob a fellow creature of eternal life in order to steal his amulets throws a depressing light on human nature. Of all the magnificent royal burials, only the young Tutankamun was unearthed in his pristine splendour, promptly to ...

Audrey and Her Sisters

Wayne Koestenbaum, 18 September 1997

Audrey Hepburn 
by Barry Paris.
Weidenfeld, 454 pp., £20, February 1997, 0 297 81728 0
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... as if through Colette’s desiring, fairy-godmother eyes. A kindred encounter (patroness meets young star) couples Hepburn and legendary Hollywood costume designer Edith Head, famous for her own staunch black bangs and her no-nonsense jolie laide (à la Diana Vreeland) attitude to the women whose embodiment she managed. Head designed Hepburn’s costumes ...

Guerrilla into Criminal

Richard White: Jesse James, 5 June 2003

Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War 
by T.J. Stiles.
Cape, 510 pp., £20, January 2003, 9780224069250
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... James was typical of the guerrillas of Jackson and Clay Counties, the vast majority of whom were young and from prosperous slave-holding families. They were also merciless killers, and Stiles recounts their atrocities in detail. The killings were often revenge attacks and after the war, James continued to kill those who sought to resist or impede him and ...


Thomas Healy, 11 February 1993

Living Dangerously: Young Offenders in their Own Words 
by Roger Graef.
HarperCollins, 262 pp., £14.99, January 1993, 0 00 215967 8
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... future if I wanted to. That’s the way it goes in borstals and remand centres: once inside, the young offender just widens his network of cons and connections. The teenage Krays, for instance, first met the Richardsons in military detention. The places I’ve mentioned were relatively high security – behind closed walls – but the site of Roger Graef’s ...

Out Hunting

Gary Younge: In Baltimore, 29 July 2021

We Own This City: A True Story of Crime, Cops and Corruption in an American City 
by Justin Fenton.
Faber, 335 pp., £14.99, February, 978 0 571 35661 4
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... a fatal car crash. They routinely installed GPS trackers on the cars of people they planned to rob, conspired to falsify accounts and documents to cover their tracks, and repeatedly perjured themselves on the witness stand.On 22 March 2016, to take one example, Jenkins and his team saw a black man with a backpack getting into a van. The van was being ...

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