Pop, Crackle and Bang
Malcolm Gaskill: Fireworks!, 7 November 2024
A History of Fireworks: From Their Origins to the Present Day
by John Withington.
Reaktion, 331 pp., £25, August,978 1 78914 935 7 Show More
by John Withington.
Reaktion, 331 pp., £25, August,
“... When I was growing up, there was only one name for the fifth of November: ‘Bonfire Night’. Much of the excitement lay in anticipation, which gained momentum in the last week of October, brushing confidently past Halloween, not yet the extravagant rite of autumn it has become. Like all memories, this flies back as a scatter of images: pestering Dad for an old shirt and trousers; tying up the arms and legs and cramming in newspaper; a balloon for a head in the hood of a coat; and, with a friend from down our street, begging outside Woolworths ... ”