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Prussian Disneyland

Jan-Werner Müller, 9 September 2021

... and testament to a stifling, philistine cultural climate, is its real message – a coda to the Merkel era.Conservative West German intellectuals began to argue soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall that the palace should be rebuilt. It had been destroyed in 1950 on the orders of Walter Ulbricht, the East German leader; only one portal – from which the ...

A General Logic of Crisis

Adam Tooze, 5 January 2017

How Will Capitalism End? 
by Wolfgang Streeck.
Verso, 262 pp., £16.99, November 2016, 978 1 78478 401 0
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... Cameron reopened the European question by opting out of the new ‘fiscal compact’ drawn up by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy with the aim of enforcing budget discipline across the EU. In the US in spring 2012, Mitt Romney emerged as the candidate from the Republican primaries, but the freakshow anticipated the Trump campaign to come. In Italy the ...

Short Cuts

Mattathias Schwartz: John Bolton’s Unwitting Usefulness, 16 July 2020

... supposed to be about the admission of Ukraine and Georgia into the alliance. He began to berate Angela Merkel for free-riding on the US. All the Nato allies had committed in principle to budgeting 2 per cent of their respective GDPs for defence; the US was spending 3.6 per cent, and most other Nato members, Germany included, were falling short. At a ...

‘It didn’t need to be done’

Tariq Ali: The Muslim Response, 5 February 2015

... dignitaries he was so keen to join weren’t all that impressive: the puppet president of Mali; Angela Merkel, the Mother of Europe (her hands held in a way that suggested a mysterious Masonic signal); Donald Tusk, the Polish president of the Council of Europe. And, hurriedly summoned at the last minute to balance the presence of the Israeli ...


Glen Newey: Life with WikiLeaks, 6 January 2011

... he behaves with exactly the vulgarian bluster that one would expect of his ex-wife’s ex-husband. Angela Merkel is really a man. And so on. Not all new tokens of information count as news. Some of the disclosures, however, certainly do, such as the uprating by 15,000 of Iraq Body Count’s estimate of civilian deaths in Iraq since 2003 in the light of ...

In the Centre of the Centre

Thomas Meaney: The German Election, 21 September 2017

... Despite​ her knack for deflating expectations and puncturing enthusiasms, Angela Merkel does not entirely disappoint on the campaign trail. In Grünheide, a small town in the Spreewald near Berlin, she came to christen a new training complex for Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Team Deutschland snapped into position when Merkel arrived ...

United Europe?

Jan-Werner Müller, 3 November 2022

... a bastion of genuine conservatism. His propagandists at home and abroad claimed that the likes of Angela Merkel had sold out to the liberal mainstream – capitulating in the culture wars over same-sex marriage, accepting an allegedly endless influx of Muslim migrants. Orbán, with his self-declared ‘illiberal state based on work’, was the last man ...

Macron’s War

Didier Fassin, 4 July 2019

... Germany widened in the following months when it appeared that instead of expressing support for Angela Merkel, whose coalition was in difficulty, Macron had decided to pursue his European venture on his own, treating her as a lame-duck chancellor two years before the end of her term. This was not the only occasion when the two have expressed their ...

To the Bitter End

Adam Tooze: The Nolde above the sofa, 5 December 2019

Emil Nolde: The Artist during the Third Reich 
edited by Bernhard Fulda, Aya Soika and Christian Ring.
Prestel, 320 pp., £45, May 2019, 978 3 7913 5894 9
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... AngelaMerkel had a bad start to 2019. The right-wing AfD was on the rise. The reaction of the German security services to the race riots in the East German town of Chemnitz had raised questions about right-wing infiltration of the state apparatus. And then came a request from the National Gallery in Berlin for the loan of two pictures that hung in Merkel’s chancellery office ...

Scenario for a Wonderful Tomorrow

Wolfgang Streeck: Merkel Changes Her Mind Again, 31 March 2016

Europe’s Orphan: The Future of the Euro and the Politics of Debt 
by Martin Sandbu.
Princeton, 336 pp., £19.95, September 2015, 978 0 691 16830 2
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... summer of 2015, having humiliated the Greeks by forcing another reform diktat down their throats, Angela Merkel started a new game, aimed at diverting attention from the economic and political disaster monetary union had become. Abrupt changes of policy are nothing new to Merkel, who is best described as a postmodern ...

Vote for the Beast!

Ian Gilmour: The Tory Leadership, 20 October 2005

... to the neo-cons here and in the US. In any case Moore evidently has not noticed that in Germany Angela Merkel was nearly flattened herself for having allegedly espoused it. David Davis has promised not to swerve to the right, but as he is already standing on the right touchline, that does not mean much. According to David Cameron, one of the other ...

Once Greece goes…

John Lanchester: Any hope for the euro?, 14 July 2011

... That’s a loaded way of putting the question, but it is a good question even so, and one to which Angela Merkel is manifestly sympathetic. She has spoken more than once about the need for the private bond-holders who own Greek and other debt to take losses from their holdings and for the entire burden not to fall on ever more reluctant taxpayers. (The ...

The Non-Scenic Route to the Place We’re Going Anyway

John Lanchester: The Belgian Solution, 8 September 2011

... didn’t just cause the credit crunch, it was the credit crunch. On 16 August, Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel had an emergency meeting to decide what to do about the Eurozone crisis. After it, they gave a press conference at which they spoke in platitudes about the need for Europe to improve its ‘economic governance’, avoiding all specifics. They ...

Europe’s Sullen Child

Jan-Werner Müller: Breurope, 2 June 2016

... and peoples whose policies were arrived at through consensus-seeking and compromise. In 2007, Angela Merkel announced to the European Parliament that she had discovered the ‘soul’ of Europe: it was not the euro, but ‘tolerance’. ‘Tolerance’ and ‘diversity’, supposedly the arch-European ‘values’: it sounded plausible enough in a ...

Wanted but Not Welcome

Jonathan Steele, 19 March 2020

The Unsettling of Europe: The Great Migration, 1945 to the Present 
by Peter Gatrell.
Allen Lane, 548 pp., £30, August 2019, 978 0 241 29045 3
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... it had buried all vestiges of the Nazi past prevailed through the 1970s. Anticipating the position Angela Merkel would take in 2015, Germany’s leaders and technocrats presented the programme as a building block of international understanding and solidarity. In September 1964, German officials greeted the millionth arrival, a carpenter from ...

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