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Alan Bennett: What I did in 1998, 21 January 1999

... these hills, one flowing south, the other west. The stone circle is small and hard to find and the search is made harder because all down the beck cars are parked on the verge and the supposedly unfrequented road up the valley very busy. I had forgotten, but it’s always been like this in the Wharfe Valley from Otley and Ilkley northward, no stretch of it ...
... for the CMC and built up a modern fleet of fast cruisers, linked to a wireless network, for search-and-seize operations along the China coast. It was this kind of work to which my father was assigned, first as Deputy and then as Commissioner ad interim in Hong Kong, controlling the movement of small gunboats in the waters round the island. He was ...

At the Crime Scene

Adam Shatz: Robbe-Grillet’s Bad Thoughts, 31 July 2014

A Sentimental Novel 
by Alain Robbe-Grillet, translated by D.E. Brooke.
Dalkey Archive, 142 pp., £9.50, April 2014, 978 1 62897 006 7
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... precocious Jacqueline or merely fantasised about doing so: the crime scene, but not his anxious search for an alibi, has been erased from the narrative (‘the abnormal, excessive, suspicious, inexplicable time amounted to forty minutes – if not fifty’). Not only are we denied a resolution, but our thwarted attempt to find one, to assign guilt and fill ...

The Excursions

Andrew O’Hagan, 16 June 2011

... or go outside. Outside, I think.MILLER: Watch out. There’s police in these parts that go in search of pee-takers and revolutionaries.Hogg’s grave was lavishly carved and had a harp at the centre of all the words and recommendations.MILLER: That was his seal, that harp. It’s remarkably ostentatious, isn’t it?HEANEY: Aye. And there’s a Grieve over ...

What They Did to Our Women

Azadeh Moaveni: Women in Wartime, 9 May 2024

... to remain silent comes from Palestinians too. One feminist blogger who recounted the naked strip search of a woman detainee from Hebron was asked by the woman’s family to delete the account. The detainee had begun to receive threats that, according to her sister, did not come from Israeli authorities. The fear that reporting, sharing or officially ...

11 September

LRB Contributors, 4 October 2001

... from windows, little bristly plastic ones sticking up from people’s car antennas. I live in a gay neighbourhood (near the Castro) and the dykes and queers turn out to be pretty patriotic. (We’re all proud of Mark Bingham, the gay rugby player from San Francisco who helped crash Flight 93 into the ground.) Every few ...

Mother One, Mother Two

Jeremy Harding: A memoir, 31 March 2005

... Colin and Maureen never explained the situation to Mim. On one of my visits to Ladbroke Grove in search of a thought – even the ghost of a thought – about where to look next for Margaret Walsh (she’d given an address there as her place of residence not long after she’d had the baby), I realised I was very close to an old family friend of the sort ...

Courage, mon amie

Terry Castle: Disquiet on the Western Front, 4 April 2002

... wife teams: the prolific Valmai Holt, for example, author, with her husband, of My Boy Jack? The Search for Kipling’s Only Son (1998). (John Kipling died in his first half-hour in action – at the age of 18 – at Loos in 1915. Though his stricken father carried on a 20-year search for his grave, his remains were not ...

Crisis in Brazil

Perry Anderson, 21 April 2016

... incarceration without charge, combine inducement and intimidation: blunt instruments in the search for truth and pursuit of justice, but in Brazil within the law. Leakage of information, or mere suspicion, from investigations still supposedly secret to the press is not: it is clearly illegal. In Italy, it was regularly used by the Milan pool, and would ...

You’re with your king

Jeremy Harding: Morocco’s Secret Prisons, 10 February 2022

Tazmamart: Eighteen Years in Morocco’s Secret Prison 
by Aziz BineBine, translated by Lulu Norman.
Haus, £9.99, March 2021, 978 1 913368 13 5
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... in absentia.For the remainder of the decade Hassan tightened the screws as Oufkir went off in search of enemies, real and perceived. In 1964 he tracked down Agouliz in Casablanca. His reputation as an interrogator preceded him and, according to Diouri, Agouliz took his own life rather than give himself up. The following year the rhythm of rigorous ...

The Satoshi Affair

Andrew O’Hagan, 30 June 2016

... 2015. Some of the federal agents wore shirts that said ‘Computer Forensics’; one carried a search warrant issued under the Australian Crimes Act 1914. They were looking for a man named Craig Steven Wright, who lived with his wife, Ramona, at 43 St Johns Avenue. The warrant was issued at the behest of the Australian Taxation Office. Wright, a computer ...

Day 5, Day 9, Day 16

LRB Contributors: On Ukraine, 24 March 2022

... spirals, there are signs that this economic war may redraw geopolitical and geoeconomic maps. A search for alternative sources and fuels to replace the diminishing supply of Russian hydrocarbons has already begun. The sanctions on Russia may result in a softening of sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Worries about oil have given a new urgency to the effort to ...

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