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The Uncommon Reader

Alan Bennett, 8 March 2007

... the Midlands. Vandalism is universal.’ With Her Majesty safely delivered into the hands of the lord lieutenant, Summers did a precautionary circuit of the motor then settled down in his seat. Read? Of course he read. Everybody read. He opened the glove compartment and took out his copy of the Sun. Others, notably Norman, were more sympathetic, and from him ...

The Tower

Andrew O’Hagan, 7 June 2018

... survivors. A witness told me she was strongly affected by what they had said about the council.Lord Porter of Spalding, chairman of the Local Government Association, phoned Paget-Brown to tell him he had to appoint a new town clerk immediately. ‘Otherwise,’ he said, ‘the government is planning to put in commissioners.’‘This is the big stick that ...

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