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Touch of Evil

Christopher Hitchens, 22 October 1992

Kissinger: A Biography 
by Walter Isaacson.
Faber, 893 pp., £25, September 1992, 0 571 16858 2
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... accounts are basically congruent, whether you draw them from Clark Clifford’s memoirs, Seymour Hersh’s critique, Stephen Ambrose’s judicious biography of Nixon or the recollections of Averell Harriman, Richard Holbrooke or Daniel Davidson. Mr Isaacson has added some extra but exiguous detail to the story. By shopping on both sides of the street, and ...

Nixon’s Greatest Moments

R.W. Johnson, 13 May 1993

Nixon: A Life 
by Jonathan Aitken.
Weidenfeld, 633 pp., £25, January 1993, 0 297 81259 9
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... he is in some respects a wild chancer, he has always had an element of danger about him. Seymour Hersh, in his biography of Kissinger, tells how Nixon and Henry decided at the outset that the way to play the Chinese was to put it about that Nixon was mad, that he might order a nuclear strike at any time: this was, after all, how the West saw the Chinese and ...

Wrath of the Centurions

Max Hastings: My Lai, 25 January 2018

My Lai: Vietnam, 1968 and the Descent into Darkness 
by Howard Jones.
Oxford, 504 pp., £22.99, June 2017, 978 0 19 539360 6
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... 1969, when Associated Press wires carried the first report by the freelance investigator Seymour Hersh indicating that men of the 23rd Americal Division had carried out a massacre of civilians at My Lai, a few miles from the sea in Quang Ngai province, and that some officers were to face courts martial. During the months and years that followed, it emerged ...

Freedom of the Press

Anthony Lewis, 26 November 1987

... in the press except in reverent generalities. Then, in 1974, a newspaper report (by Seymour Hersh in the New York Times) charged that the CIA had carried out a massive and illegal programme of spying inside the United States, tapping the telephones and opening the mail of thousands of innocent citizens. President Ford appointed a commission under ...

Wrong Again

Bruce Cumings: Korean War Games, 4 December 2003

... challenged the Intelligence estimates coming out of the Bush Administration has been Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker. In the issue of 27 October he described how senior officials demand access to raw Intelligence before it has been vetted for accuracy and reliability by the CIA and other agencies, a process known as ‘stovepiping’. This means that ...

He, She, One, They, Ho, Hus, Hum, Ita

Amia Srinivasan: How Should I Refer to You?, 2 July 2020

What’s Your Pronoun? Beyond He and She 
by Dennis Baron.
Liveright, 304 pp., £16.99, February 2020, 978 1 63149 604 2
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... unus, talis, it (1884); hyser, hymer (1884); twen, twens, twem (1884); twon, twons, twom (1884); hersh, herm (1884); hisern, hisen (1884); ip, ips (1884); hae, haes/hais, haim (1884); tha, thare, them (1885); zyhe, zyhe’s, zyhem (1885); ho, hus, hum (1886); his-her, him-her (1886); id, ids (1887); ir, iro, im (1888); te, tes, tim (1888); ze, zis, zim ...


Edward Said, 7 May 1987

The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey 
by Salman Rushdie.
Picador, 171 pp., £2.95, January 1987, 0 330 29990 5
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Turning the Tide: US Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace 
by Noam Chomsky.
Pluto, 298 pp., £5.95, September 1986, 0 7453 0184 3
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... During the past five years the US has invaded and attacked Libya, tried (according to Seymour Hersh) to assassinate its leader, and tried to coax Egypt into an invasion. It has been a participant in the Lebanese war. It has backed Israel in innumerable local as well as transcontinental adventures. It has deliberately prolonged the Iran-Iraq war by ...

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