Medieval Beginnings: Bede's Life of Cuthbert

Mary Wellesley and Irina Dumitrescu

In the third episode of their series, Mary and Irina explore the much-chronicled life of St Cuthbert, as told by the most famous writer of the early medieval period, the so-called Venerable Bede. From Cuthbert’s childhood interest in naked handstands, to his later work as a charismatic preacher who could elicit total confession, and as a hermit who enjoyed the assistance of friendly sea otters, it was a life which, as told by Bede, both challenged and conformed to the expected patterns of hagiography.

This is an extract from the episode. To listen in full, and to all our other Close Readings series, sign up here:

Further Reading:

Diarmaid MacCulloch: Rome's New Mission

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