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The 2025 LRB Winter Lectures at Beveridge Hall

Perry Anderson: Regime Change in the West

Friday 14 February 2025, 19:00
Beveridge Hall at Senate House, London

On the historical meaning of ‘regime change’ and how far it applies, or doesn’t apply, to the political economy and sociology of the West since 2008.

Perry Anderson’s books include Lineages of the Absolutist State, The Origins of Postmodernity, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism and Ever Closer Union? Europe in the West. He is a professor of history and sociology at UCLA and sits on the editorial board of New Left Review. He has written more than fifty pieces for the LRB, on subjects including his father’s career in the Chinese Customs Service, Lula’s Brazil, Michael Oakeshott, Anthony Powell, Dmitri Furman, the modern political histories of Italy, Turkey, France and India, and the failings of the EU.

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