Taran N. Khan

Taran N. Khan is the author of Shadow City: A Woman Walks Kabul.

From The Blog
11 September 2024

Bibi Rabbiyah Khan told me that she worried about her children and grandchildren. Her family had moved to London in the 1960s, when she was eight years old, and she recalled her father joining efforts against racism. ‘At the time it was the National Front.’ The events of this summer, she said, are a wake up call for the community: to overcome divisions and fear, and draw on the support of interfaith groups, local authorities and anti-racism groups. ‘That's what saved London – people stood up. There’s a tree in the mosque courtyard that was donated by our Jewish brothers and sisters: it’s a testament to our need to come together.’

From The Blog
3 July 2024

Across both campaigns, I found the swell of anger at the Tories undercut with disenchantment with Labour: ‘two sides of the same rusty coin’, Mohamad called them. ‘They are not reliable’, a 22-year-old teacher in Ilford said. ‘They are not true to their word.’

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