Sally Rooney

Sally Rooney is the author of the novels Conversations with Friends, Normal People and Beautiful World, Where Are You.

Get a Lobotomy: ‘Motherhood’

Sally Rooney, 30 August 2018

On​ a recent episode of an Irish talk show, a guest celebrated her 90th birthday accompanied by her 19 children. The children, now mostly in their fifties and sixties, occupied the whole front row of the audience. Other (male) guests on the show came forward to shake her hand; the Irish Mirror described her as ‘inspirational’. She seemed like a nice woman and a loving mother, but...

An Irish Problem

Sally Rooney, 24 May 2018

The abortion rate in Ireland will not fall if the referendum fails; it may not increase substantially if the referendum passes. But the relationship of pregnant women in Ireland to their own bodies will change, and change significantly, if the ‘Yes’ campaign is successful. I was born in 1991, the same year a Virgin Megastore in Dublin was raided for selling condoms without a pharmacist present. Two years before the decriminalisation of homosexuality. Four years before the legalisation of divorce. Twenty-seven years, I can only hope, before the repeal of the Eighth Amendment.

Glimpses of Utopia: Sally Rooney’s Couples

Joanna Biggs, 26 September 2024

At the end of each of Rooney’s novels, love triumphs partly because it might be the only form of solidarity, the only glimpse of utopia, the only intimation of political change a normal person has in...

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I couldn’t live normally: What Sally did next

Christian Lorentzen, 23 September 2021

Normality has totemic significance in Rooney’s writing: her characters either think of themselves as ‘special’ – that is, smart and sensitive but stranded among normal people – or they yearn...

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The First Time: Sally Rooney

Adam Mars-Jones, 27 September 2018

Normal People doesn’t bear much resemblance to apprentice work. The evenness of Rooney’s attention is a huge asset, page by page, and the sign of an unusual sensibility.

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