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Ronald Dworkin

Ronald Dworkin is Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford, and the author of Taking Rights Seriously.

Trashing the Supreme Court

Ronald Dworkin, 19 June 1980

This is a great best-seller in America. But it is a deplorable book – mostly silly gossip about the various Justices of the United States Supreme Court in the period from 1969 to 1976, supposedly taken from internal court memoranda never intended to be published, and from off-the-record and not-for-attribution talks with former law clerks about the Justices and with the Justices about each other.

What about Bert? equality

Jeremy Waldron, 9 August 2001

In the 13th chapter of this formidable collection of Ronald Dworkin’s writings on equality, we are asked to consider a problem about health cover. The chapter is entitled ‘Playing...

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The Edges of Life

Jeremy Waldron, 12 May 1994

Do trees have rights? Radical conservationists who oppose the logging of redwoods in the American North-West, or the destruction of the tropical rain forests, sometimes claim that they do. The...

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Reading the law

Thomas Nagel, 18 September 1986

This important theoretical work appears in a definite political context. In the United States, theories of jurisprudence are politically controversial. The public is vividly aware that the way in...

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Bernard Williams, 17 April 1986

When I took part – as it seems, many years ago – in a Committee to recommend reforms in the obscenity laws, we received evidence from an American constitutional lawyer who happened to...

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