Robert VanderMolen

Robert VanderMolen’s latest collection is Water.

Fishing at the Falls

Beer is cold in the water A breeze is cold behind us, A draught from shadow, where it Is cavelike, the wall eaten under, A moody huddling, where rock Has fallen from the upper lip Like crumbs (we imagine) Until rock meets rock At the rubble of river

How we’ve turned to fiction, Says Dick – all this hunger, Pitchy with wonder, came full Circle in a way . . .


Two Poems

Robert VanderMolen, 23 May 2002

Waiting for Someone

On the bulkhead over the bar Names of steamers that used to stop here

The river silted with new islands and old tyres

I’ve been postponing this drink for hours She says, though I hadn’t inquired


Across the alley where the train station Once held court, exposed brick, hardwood floors

Where I stood at the entrance, five years old, My hand in my mother’s,...

Two Poems

Robert VanderMolen, 21 June 2001

A House

A calendar under the couch Was several years old. It wasn’t My house. A note with crisp Letters, You are the loveOf my life. I drank my coffee On a window seat watching Spring snow fall like sugar-cubes


Men were mulling The career of Senator Vandenberg

Candles played across mirrors To a repeating pause In the wallpaper

A polite house Like my aunt’s we visited At Easter,...

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