Raymond N. MacKenzie

Raymond N. MacKenzie’s translation of Flaubert’s Sentimental Education will be published later this year.

Trop Dandy: Sand, Colet, Musset

Raymond N. MacKenzie, 2 March 2023

’Like George Sand, Louise Colet spoke of Alfred de Musset often as a child, and worried about his health as he grew increasingly weak. She undoubtedly shared the opinion Sand expresses in Elle et lui, that artists need to be forgiven more readily than others, being subject to ‘more sudden enthusiasms’ and stronger fits of passion. Such an opinion is a harder sell today.

Flaubert’s ​L’Éducation sentimentale (1869) is rightly celebrated as a masterwork of literary realism, but it also, quite consistently, makes us wonder whether we know what realism is, or what else...

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