Rachel Nolan

Rachel Nolan is a historian at Boston University. Her first book, Until I Find You, about adoptions from Guatemala, was published in January.

No Bananas Today: Mario Vargas Llosa

Rachel Nolan, 2 December 2021

The coup​ is almost funny, if you squint. The year was 1954, and the CIA, still young and enthusiastic, had decided to overthrow the democratically elected president of Guatemala. Washington was convinced that the tiny republic was a threat, a reflection of growing anti-communist paranoia, and – in particular – of the ministrations of Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays,...

On the night of 26 September 2014, in the town of Iguala in the Mexican state of Guerrero, local police opened fire at several buses – some full of students, one carrying football players coming home from a match. Six people were killed. By midnight, 43 more students had disappeared, or, rather, had been forcibly disappeared. That’s where the story fades to grey. As the case of the missing students became international news, parents and activists went looking. They found first one mass grave, then another and another. Not their children’s. Other bones.

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