Nandini Das

Nandini Das teaches English at Oxford. Courting India won the British Academy Book Prize in 2023.

Dark Propensities: Opium Inc.

Nandini Das, 20 March 2025

AChinese friend​ and I have taken to batting words at each other like ping-pong balls. I’m trying to improve my Mandarin and she is curious about Bengali, but some things stop us in our tracks. Rice porridge is one of them. Cooked rice can be revived by boiling in water, or simply by pouring water over it, although fancier versions use broth or green tea, as in Japanese ochazuke. It...

Both James and Jahangir were obsessed with hunting, wilfully ensuring that court timetables were disrupted and dictated by the prolonged pursuit of prey, to the frustration of officials. Even so avid a...

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