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May Jeong

May Jeong is a visiting scholar at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.

Diary: Femicide in Kandahar

May Jeong, 7 September 2017

On the morning​ of 25 September 2006, Safia, the first head of the women’s affairs department in Kandahar, was climbing into a rickshaw to go to work when two men on a motorcycle drove by and shot her three times. Safia’s death was the first I heard about, but I soon learned of twelve other women who had been murdered since the Nato invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. It was...

The Smuggler

May Jeong, 14 July 2016

The Dari word​ qachaqbar means ‘the one with illicit goods’, but when I hear it in Kabul I don’t think of drugs or arms but people. Afghans have been leaving since the Soviet invasion in the 1970s, but after 2014, when foreign troops pulled out, the leaving changed pace: in 2015, more than 200,000 Afghans left for Europe alone. Every Afghan friend I had in Kabul...

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