Mat Pires

Mat Pires is a lecturer in English (and fonctionnaire) at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon. His translation, with Carol Sanders, of Ferdinand de Saussure’s recently discovered manuscripts, Writings in General Linguistics, is published by Oxford.


A bas les Anglo-Saxons

12 November 1998

The slogan chanted by French football supporters after their World Cup victory should be in the order ‘black-blanc-beur’, not ‘blanc-black-beur’ as Anand Menon had it (LRB, 12 November). It is a militant response to the Front National’s co-option of the tricolour for their annual Fête du bleu-blanc-rouge. In any case, the jubilant fans didn’t chant that, they chant ed ‘Zidane for President’....

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