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Marshall Sahlins

Marshall Sahlins is a professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of Chicago.

Human Science

Marshall Sahlins, 9 May 2013

In late February I resigned in protest from the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on two grounds. The first was the academy’s recruitment of anthropologists to do research designed to improve the combat performance of the US military. One project would study the tactical operations of small units and their leaders in a variety of contexts including ‘major combat...

For students of the human sciences, the anthropologist Marshall Sahlins is, with Clifford Geertz, one of the few Americans who has achieved the status of a name to conjure with alongside the...

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Aloha, aloha

Ian Hacking, 7 September 1995

This is a splendid work of refutation and revenge, judicious but remorseless, urbane yet gritty. It is germane to the American culture wars but vastly more interesting. It is an adventure story...

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