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Lucia Berlin

Lucia Berlin died in 2004. Most of her short stories are collected in three volumes published by Black Sparrow.

Lucia Berlin died on 12 November 2004, her 68th birthday. Almost all of her short stories can be found in three volumes published by Black Sparrow Press: ‘Homesick: New and Selected Stories’ (1990), ‘So Long: Stories 1987-92’ (1993) and ‘Where I Live Now: Stories 1993-98’ (1999). The earliest of the stories dates from 1977. She was born in Alaska and raised...

Sex on the Roof

Patricia Lockwood, 6 December 2018

There are writers who know the bus schedule and those who don’t. Lucia Berlin aimed for clarity, directness, but clarity from strange people still sounds strange.

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Put it away, like a good girl

August Kleinzahler, 16 March 2000

Lucia Berlin is a Western writer, by which I do not mean a genre writer of cowboy tales like Zane Grey or the younger Elmore Leonard, but that her stories, with only a few exceptions, are...

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