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László Krasznahorkai

László Krasznahorkai is the author of five novels and several collections of essays and short stories.

Story: ‘There Goes Valzer’: A Story

László Krasznahorkai, translated by George Szirtes, 20 March 2014

My name​ is Róbert Valzer and I like walking, not that I have anything to do with the famous Robert Walser, nor do I think it strange that walking should be my favourite hobby. I call it a hobby but I accept – or rather I am prepared to entertain the fact – that where I live in this Central European country I am considered to be too unstable to be regarded as a normal...

Donne’s triumphant ‘Death, thou shalt die’ has nothing on the apophatic reversals of László Krasznahorkai’s metaphysics, where art exposes the scrim between us and non-being.

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