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John Keegan

John Keegan is a lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. He is the author of The Face of Battle and World Armies, and is now working on a study of generalship.

The Mothering of Montgomery

John Keegan, 2 July 1981

On the amalgamation of Woolwich and Sandhurst after the Second World War to form the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, 12 new companies were formed, bearing the names of British victories. Four were redcoat triumphs, four First World War battles, four Second World War campaigns. Among the latter was Alamein and it became an annual Alamein Company event for the victor himself to visit, dine with the cadets and afterwards address them in their ante-room.

Enjoying every moment: Ole Man Churchill

David Reynolds, 7 August 2003

In August 1940, Winston Churchill likened the relationship between Britain and America to the Mississippi: ‘It just keeps rolling along,’ he told the Commons, ‘full flood,...

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The Chop

John Bayley, 27 January 1994

Neither Genghiz Khan nor Stalin was physically brave. Both led from the rear, keeping well out of the way of any rough stuff that might be going on. The habit of directing matters through a staff...

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Great Encounters

Patrick O’Brian, 11 January 1990

John Keegan’s book is about the principles, strategy and tactics of warfare at sea and their evolution as it is exemplified in four great battles, Trafalgar, Jutland, Midway, and a critical...

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Poor Man’s War

Richard Overy, 12 October 1989

It has suddenly become fashionable to sneer at the memory of the Second World War. The national press has been home to editorials and opinion columns archly condemning the anniversary as so much...

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Death of the Hero

Michael Howard, 7 January 1988

Among the distinguished group of military historians which has flourished in this country since the Second World War, John Keegan is outstanding. His talents are remarkable: a wide-ranging and...

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Joining up

Angus Calder, 3 April 1986

A major in the Royal Anglian Regiment talks to Tony Parker about battle: I’ve only been in that kind of situation where someone’s been shooting at me, a total of about twelve times...

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Conventional Defence

Robert Neild, 18 November 1982

It is hard these days to open the newspapers without seeing a reference to the notion that Nato should improve its conventional defences. One day General Rogers, the Supreme Commander of Nato, is...

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