John Fuller

John Fuller’s most recent collection of poems is Now and for a Time; his latest novel is The Memoirs of Laetitia Horsepole, by Herself: both are published by Chatto.

Poem: ‘Iguana Days’

John Fuller, 18 December 2003

We have seen this pebble before Though three feet under. From year To year it changes position.

The sea dwindles its contours But not to my brief eye In a mere decade of watching.

Stone keeps its secrets. Its smoothness is a ruse To content us with surface.

At the heart of stone is pure Concentration, which life Is foolishly in love with.

We believe that the stillness comes From its exact...

Poem: ‘Pyrosymphonie’

John Fuller, 30 November 1995

You and I, when our days are done, must say Without exactly saying it, goodbye. If we could choose at such a time one free Embodiment which might, by being the last, Stand in the account somehow as one Generous entry putting the whole in credit, What and where would it be, that final choice?

There are times such as when we have had them Must serve in their completeness for the fancy, For they...

Textual Harassment

Nicolas Tredell, 7 November 1991

Nervousness and nostalgia mark these three novels. The nostalgia of Christine Brooke-Rose is, surprisingly, for a golden age of character in fiction; David Caute harks back to the Sixties and the...

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Blake Morrison, 21 February 1991

How much do love and sex have in common? Not enough, it seems, for them to appear together in anthologies, which increasingly cater either for the sentimental or the pornographic market. We need...

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Other People

Dinah Birch, 6 July 1989

What do the lives and thoughts of other people feel like? We’ll never really know, but fiction offers as good an approximation of knowing as we’re likely to come across. That...

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Eyes and Ears

Anthony Thwaite, 23 June 1988

The innocent child, eavesdropping on adults and adulteries, puzzled by half-heard conversations and half-understood hints, has a respectable history in fiction: What Maisie knew, The Go-Between,...

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Out of the blue

Mark Ford, 10 December 1987

So characteristic of Paul Muldoon’s poetry as to be almost a hallmark is the moment, unnerving and exciting in about equal measures, when his speaker is suddenly revealed to himself as...

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Received Accents

Peter Robinson, 20 February 1986

Charles Tomlinson has a poem called ‘Class’ about the Midland pronunciation of the first letter of the alphabet. In the last chapter of Some Americans, the poet tells how for a short...

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We shall not be moved

John Bayley, 2 February 1984

There remains a most decided difference – indeed it grows wider every year – between what Philip Larkin calls ‘being a writer’, or ‘being a poet’, and managing...

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Poles Apart

John Sutherland, 5 May 1983

Glowacki’s novel makes trouble for itself. The work is translated – one of the two ways in which, notoriously, a British book can be guaranteed to lose money (the other sure thing is...

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Barbara Everett, 7 May 1981

Donald Davie has proposed that Eliot’s Quartets are in some sense a work of self-parody, with ‘The Dry Salvages’ in structure and style parodistic of the quartets that preceded...

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Excellent Enigmas

Christopher Reid, 24 January 1980

Doubts, prevarications, velleities, different kinds of inability to act: these are the overt themes of many of the poems in John Fuller’s inventive new volume. The title, Lies and Secrets,...

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