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John Fine

John Fine a professor of history at the University of Michigan, is the author of a two-volume history of the medieval Balkans. Bosnia and Hercegovina: A Tradition Betrayed, written with Robert Donia, will appear this summer from Hurst.

What is a Bosnian?

John Fine, 28 April 1994

The war in Bosnia has produced a number of historical myths, all of which have proved useful to those Serbs and Croats seeking to tear Bosnia apart, for they justify the inaction of the international community. These myths claim, basically, that Bosnia is an artificial entity, made up of three ethnic groups – Serbs, Croats and Muslims – who have been feuding with one another for centuries, so that the present conflict is simply the latest of these ethnic wars. This picture is false, as Noel Malcolm’s new history of Bosnia helps to show.’

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