Jane Campbell

Jane Campbell is a senior member of the Institute of Group Analysis. She lives in Oxford.

Story: ‘Story: ‘Cat-Brushing’’

Jane Campbell, 2 November 2017


This morning​ I was brushing the cat as I watched the rain come across the water towards us. She is a Siamese and smooth-haired and like me quite old, and her fur is not as strong or as resilient as it used to be, but she arched her back with delight and raised her head so that I could reach her throat, the most vulnerable part of her. And seeing her respond like this to the strong...

Diary: The Rarest Bird in the World

Jane Campbell, 5 July 2018

If it is​ on time the regular British Airways flight from Gatwick arrives in Bermuda as the sun is setting and then, if you are lucky, the pilot will swing around to line up with the runway and as he does that, if it is a clear evening, you will be able to see the whole island lying like an unfinished jigsaw on the gleaming surface of the sea. This tiny country is really no more than a...

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