Ira Katznelson

Ira Katznelson is Loeb Professor of Political Science at the New School for Social Research, New York. His Marxism and the City will be published by Oxford next year.


Arafat’s Palestine

5 September 1996

The volley of letters by Said, Laor, Levi and Bilgrami, and Shahak, responding to four questions I posed, respectfully I had hoped, to Edward Said, curiously holds me responsible for the uncritical qualities of American Zionism (nowhere did I embrace all its positions or enthusiasms), the chequered history of British and Israeli Labour Party views about Palestinians since the Forties (Shahak’s version...
Moshé Machover rejects the appellation ‘Shoah’, arguing that the term’s ‘borrowed usage’ was propelled by the ‘Zionist propaganda’ of Claude Lanzmann’s film Shoah; that the use of a Hebrew word for the Holocaust constitutes a ‘subliminal terminological connection between the genocide of Jews and the state of Israel’; and that most European Jewish victims ‘were not familiar with...

Destiny v. Democracy: The New Deal

David Runciman, 25 April 2013

The New Deal was fracturing, but the impetus behind it was far from over. One of the distinctive features of Ira Katznelson’s book is that he sees the New Deal period as extending well beyond the 1930s....

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