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Helen Thompson

Helen Thompson is professor of political economy at Cambridge and a regular panellist on Talking Politics.

Will it hold? Will the EU hold?

Helen Thompson, 21 June 2018

If​ the real point of the European Union is to achieve an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, the British have never seriously wanted a place in it. If we follow the logic, Brexit makes the EU a more viable political entity. But the EU has always been about much more than gradual European political unification. Currently, it is set up in a manner intended to enable it to manage...

Short Cuts: West Ham Disunited

Helen Thompson, 26 April 2018

In the summer​ of 2005 London was chosen to host the 2012 Olympics and West Ham United were celebrating their return to the Premier League after a two-season absence. Few around the club at that time would have welcomed the prospect of leaving the Boleyn Ground, where they had played since 1904, for a new stadium in Stratford, and no one in the office of the London mayor, Ken Livingstone,...

We blitzed it: Inhabiting the Oil World

Laleh Khalili, 4 August 2022

Geopolitics is never untethered from political struggles and the world’s prime mover isn’t located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, even if so much malignant power has emanated from Europe...

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