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Greg Woolf

Greg Woolf is director of the Institute of Classical Studies in the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

Is he still the same god? Mithraism

Greg Woolf, 2 November 2017

A young god​ sits astride a bull. It has been forced to its knees and its head has been pulled back so the god can hold a dagger to its throat, or to its neck, or its shoulder. In some versions he has already plunged the dagger in and drops of blood have begun to fall to the ground. The god wears a billowing cloak and a distinctive bonnet. Other animals have come to help him in his...

Orrery and Claw: Archimedes

Greg Woolf, 18 November 2010

Archimedes, the most famous mathematician of classical antiquity, was killed in 212 BC, as a small piece of collateral damage in the Roman sack of the Greek city of Syracuse. Syracuse itself was a rather larger piece of collateral damage, having picked the wrong side in Rome’s second war with Carthage. It was not a good year for the ancient Greek cities of the western Mediterranean....

A Marketplace and a Temple: Ancient Urbanism

Michael Kulikowski, 18 February 2021

The real ancient city was nothing like the way we imagine it, not even Rome after three hundred years of megalomaniac generals and emperors had stuffed it full of ever more grandiose monuments. Most ancient...

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