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Gary Indiana

Gary Indiana was a writer, actor and artist. His memoir, I Can Give You Anything but Love, was published in 2015 and he was also the author of the trilogy Resentment: A Comedy, Three Month-Fever: The Andrew Cunanan Story and Depraved Indifference. He died in October 2024.


Whose Funeral?

6 November 2003

While it may have been the sad duty of Martha Bridegam to ‘cover the funeral’ of anti-tax activist Paul Gann in 1989, I did not mean to suggest that the deceased Mr Gann actively collected petition signatures for the recent California ballot recall (Letters, 20 November). He, in collusion with Ted Costa, had originated the People’s Advocate, the group which foisted Proposition 13 on California...

“Despite his overthroaty, mangled diction and general clunkiness, he has won the heart of every American male suffering from testosterone psychosis – a sizeable portion of the electorate. It certainly helped that Schwarzenegger movies started playing non-stop on television, often in competing time spots, and that professional sycophants such as Larry King and Oprah Winfrey featured Schwarzenegger on their chat shows, which, being ‘non-political’, were exempt from equal-time strictures.”

Psychodisney: Gary Indiana

Peter Robins, 25 July 2002

Some years ago, Gary Indiana visited Eurodisney, and returned with a suggestion for how it could be improved. ‘If I ran an amusement park,’ he wrote, ‘there would be real...

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