Garret FitzGerald

Garret FitzGerald is a former leader of Fine Gael; he was Taoiseach between 1981 and 1987.

Preconditions for an Irish Peace

Garret FitzGerald, 8 November 1979

When Ireland was divided politically by the Government of Ireland Act 1920, this event was taken much less seriously by most Irish people than might have been expected in view of the generation-long political turmoil that had preceded it. The decision was taken in an effort to reconcile the divergent aspirations of the Nationalist majority in the island as a whole and of the Unionist minority largely concentrated in the six north-eastern counties.

Talking about Northern Ireland

Tom Wilson, 27 February 1992

It has often been said that the Irish tragedy can be ended only by political means. In this political autobiography, Dr Garret FitzGerald gives a fascinating account of his own attempts to ...

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