Gareth Evans

Gareth Evans was a Fellow of University College, Oxford and Wilde Reader in Mental Philosophy.


Pop, Crackle and Bang

7 November 2024

Being of Malcolm Gaskill’s generation, I recognise his vivid evocation of 1970s back garden fireworks evenings (LRB, 7 November). However, decades later, I find myself siding more now with the protagonist of Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem ‘No Explosions’, quoted here in its entirety:To enjoyfireworksyou would haveto have liveda different kindof life.

A Philosopher’s Character

Gareth Evans, 7 February 1980

Moore was one of the outstanding British philosophers of this century. He lived a rather uneventful life, almost entirely in a university setting: as Paul Levy writes rather wistfully in the introduction to his book, ‘he slew no dragons and rescued no maidens; he did not even have the adventures life allotted to other philosophers like Russell, who went to jail, or Wittgenstein, who went to war.’ The main outlines of his public life are well-known, and Levy’s assiduous research reveals few surprises about his private life. Though Moore married rather late in life, and formed close friendships with men before that time, he was not a homosexual, and his marriage and family life seem to have been very happy. Nevertheless, he is not an unpromising subject for study. He was a remarkable man who impressed almost everyone he met with his honesty, his devotion to truth and clarity, and his innocence. He was right at the centre of the philosophical world for a long and exciting period and he knew a good many of the main participants – in particular, he had fairly close, if troubled, relations with both Russell and Wittgenstein. As a member of the Apostles, he came to know several people who were later to be famous in the Bloomsbury group and who regarded themselves as his disciples.

A Technical Philosopher

Hilary Putnam, 19 May 1983

Gareth Evans died of cancer when he was barely 34 years of age. He had been working on this book for several years; the task of completing it from his notes was carried out by John McDowell. (The...

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