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Franz Kafka

Short Cuts: Unknown Laws

Franz Kafka, translated by Michael Hofmann, 16 July 2015

Our laws​ are unfortunately not widely known, they are the closely guarded secret of the small group of nobles who govern us. We like to believe that these old laws are scrupulously adhered to, but it remains a vexing thing to be governed by laws one does not know. I am not thinking here of various questions of interpretation and the disadvantages that stem from only a few individuals and...

Bad Faith

J.P. Stern, 21 July 1983

Marthe Robert is a well-known freelance among French Germanisten. She has written extensively on Freudian theory, on myth and Romanticism, and she collaborated with André Breton on a...

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Möbius Strip

Dan Jacobson, 3 December 1981

The Möbius strip is well-known to topologists and to those fond of performing simple party tricks. By twisting a strip of paper through 180° before pasting its ends together, you can...

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