Elizabeth Goldring

Elizabeth Goldring is writing a book about Hans Holbein the Younger.

At Compton Verney: Portrait Miniatures

Elizabeth Goldring, 20 February 2025

In​ 2004, Compton Verney, the Warwickshire seat of the Verney family for nearly six hundred years, opened to the public as an art gallery. British portraits, in a variety of media, are central to the museum’s collection, but over the past ten years or so, Compton Verney has become a destination for a very particular type of portrait: the miniature, which flourished in Britain from the...

At Kenwood House: Curtain Pictures

Elizabeth Goldring, 24 October 2024

In​ 1925, Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st earl of Iveagh, purchased Kenwood House, a neoclassical villa on the edge of Hampstead Heath and one of the finest surviving examples of the mature designs of Robert Adam. Two years later, Lord Iveagh died, bequeathing Kenwood to the nation, along with 63 Old Master and 18th-century British paintings from his own collection, including works by Rembrandt,...

Picture in Little: Hilliard’s Trajectory

Charles Nicholl, 19 December 2019

The house​ was ‘at the sign of the Maidenhead’ in an alley off Cheapside called Gutter Lane. The address sounds disreputable but those who visited were not in search of bawdy...

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Self-Hugging: A Paean to Boswell

Andrew O’Hagan, 5 October 2000

Admiration is defined by Johnson in that Dictionary as ‘taken sometimes in a bad sense, though generally in a good’, and he was, for the greater part of his life, a great engine of self-admiration,...

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