Diane Williams

Diane Williams’s eleventh story collection, I Hear You’re Rich, was published last August. She is editor of NOON.

Two Stories

Diane Williams, 1 August 2024


‘Thank god you don’t hold a grudge,’ he said, and I discovered a refreshing feeling in the room Seth Sharples and I decided to share.

He is an inamorato from years ago.

Of course, this feeling vanished as soon as I left that town.

At the airport ticket counter for my return, the fake eyelashes of the clerk nearly jammed themselves against her eyeglass lenses with her...

I think of her – this other woman I have never seen again – one arm flung out ahead while she spoke her emotions, her dress pressed back against her body by the wind, and for several moments she was my all, because I have been separated from my wife.

This woman on the village green told me she was very worried about the whales.

Of course, I spot women everywhere diving head-first...

Two Stories

Diane Williams, 4 January 2024

All Day Rainbow Swirl

We had our shoes off and maybe this was a place where we were washing for gold, somewhat lost in the world.       I see myself at my ease fifty years ago in this old photograph, and I have held on to a vial of gold dust – I don’t know where it is – and a ruby – a ruby crumb really. It is red.       She had...

Two Stories

Diane Williams, 29 June 2023

The Realist

‘You can’t really think I would like this!’ and he hands the gift back to his wife. ‘Did you ever know me to have anything like this?’     ‘Yes, me!’


‘Did you ever find out about that tree?’ the wife asks.     ‘A lady in the park told me – it’s catalpa!’   ...

Story: ‘Zwhip-Zwhip’

Diane Williams, 4 May 2023

Her son is zigzagging on the lawn behind her house and he holds his new toy in his arms as if it is a babe in his arms.

It is the Easy Disk – which is painless to catch, cuts through the wind, floats on the water, flies up to one hundred and twenty feet, and is composed of a flexible, grippy material – but still, he has no one to play with.

His son is out there also, although his son...

Molasses Nog: Diane Williams

Ange Mlinko, 18 April 2019

Rushing​ out of the house for an appointment, I grabbed what I thought was Diane Williams’s Collected Stories. When I retrieved the book from my bag, I was surprised to find it was...

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