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Chris Andrews

Chris Andrews teaches at the University of Western Sydney. His most recent collection is Lime Green Chair.

Poem: ‘Honey Encryption’

Chris Andrews, 2 July 2015

This line came to me out of the dark: suspiciously luminous gherkin. And then it was the promised iceberg, an intern with his neurohammer, midnight calm, a lake of tea, the south with its barbaric clusters of stars … None of it made much sense but I thought: If it’s all there is in the pantry, I can make the dark meal out of this.

My flame card is the key to the town. Fire...

Poem: ‘Nap’

Chris Andrews, 10 September 2009

A ten-minute Jesuit nap with shoes on releases the hypnagogic sentences mimicking the rhythms of sports commentary, morphing darkly into a story like this: In the sunless world where we’d arranged to meet everything’s lit from within and space has nerves that pass through your throat (if you slide along them like a curtain ring it will hurt the next day) but it turned out to be...

Roberto Bolaño likes to prolong his jokes well past the moment when even the slowest reader has got the point. Nazi Literature in the Americas, for example, looks like a single gag –...

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In the Sonora: Roberto Bolaño

Benjamin Kunkel, 6 September 2007

Roberto Bolaño was born in Santiago de Chile in 1953, moved with his family to Mexico City at the age of 15, and was inspired by the election of Salvador Allende to return to his native...

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