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Anne Wagner

Anne Wagner has just completed her next book.

At Tate Modern: Mária Bartuszová

Anne Wagner, 1 June 2023

The sculptor​ Mária Bartuszová was born in Prague in 1936 and died sixty years later in Košice, Slovakia, three hundred miles to the east. It was in Košice that her career as a sculptor really began, after she moved, aged 27, to the city with her husband, the artist Juraj Bartusz, and their young daughter. A second child, also a girl, arrived in 1971. In 1984...

Charles Ray’s​ life-sized Young Man, machine-milled in 2012 from a solid stainless-steel block, is meant, Ray says, ‘to move forwards and backwards in increasingly irrelevant time’. The phrase is less opaque than it seems. His ambition was to make a kouros, but one modelled on the body of a long-time Los Angeles friend. Returning to the clear shapes of Archaic Greek...

BillBrandt|Henry Moore is an investigation in two parts. There is the exhibition at the University of East Anglia’s Sainsbury Centre (recently closed), which travels in mid-November to the Yale Centre for British Art in New Haven. And then there is the remarkable book that accompanies it: 250 illustrations of photographs, sculptures and drawings, many full page; ten scholarly essays;...

At Oberlin: Eva Hesse

Anne Wagner, 30 July 2020

‘No title’ (1963)

When​ the sculptor Eva Hesse died fifty years ago, she was 34 and making work that still feels new. After a promising start as a figurative painter, she moved quickly towards contemporary abstraction. Then she discarded painting entirely, in favour of an approach that linked the body to sculpture in distinctive new ways. Ropes resemble sinews and tangled...

At the British Museum: Käthe Kollwitz

Anne Wagner, 2 January 2020

The exhibition​ of etchings, lithographs and woodcuts by Käthe Kollwitz at the British Museum (until 12 January) confronts us with her characteristic, and still discomfiting, lack of decorum. Her subjects are almost unfailingly depressing – peasant rebellion and defeat, world war, poverty, hunger, the death of children and the despair of mothers – and her way with gouge and...

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