Andrew Whitehead

Andrew Whitehead, a former BBC India correspondent, is honorary professor at the Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies at Nottingham and visiting research fellow at the King’s India Institute, London.

Within the Saffron Family: Modi

Andrew Whitehead, 10 September 2015

Jashodaben​ was married at 17; her husband was a year or two older. It was an arranged match. They were both from the same underprivileged Hindu caste in Gujarat; they separated after three years or so. ‘We parted on good terms as there were never any fights between us,’ Jashodaben told a reporter last year. ‘In three years, we may have been together for all of three months....

In his assessment of the Indian elections, Tariq Ali is entirely justified in highlighting the emphatic victory of Narendra Modi’s BJP and the profound failure of the Gandhi-led Congress (LRB, 6 June). But on matters of detail Ali is off-beam. The BJP did indeed fail to win a single seat in the southern state of Kerala, but Kerala was not ‘the only state which didn’t fall to the BJP’; Modi’s...

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