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Álvaro Enrigue

Álvaro Enrigue is a Mexican writer living in New York.

On​ 11 December 2006, Felipe Calderón, the president of Mexico, appeared on television dressed as a military commander and announced that he was ‘declaring war’ on organised crime. It was an unforgettable and grotesque gesture, which won him an invaluable spike in popularity. The news was unexpected: it was the first time his National Action Party (PAN) had used the...

Like a Club Sandwich: Aztec Anachronisms

Adam Mars-Jones, 23 May 2024

After the moment in You Dreamed of Empires that brings together Moctezuma and Marc Bolan, Álvaro Enrigue has nowhere to go but into reverse. You can’t reinflate a popped balloon, but you can reinstate...

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