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The Voice of Moderation

Thomas Jones

Most newspapers and magazines these days (including, yes, the LRB) send out barrages of emails in their campaigns to lure readers into subscribing. Sometimes it's hard to tell, though, what exactly they want readers for, or what exactly it is they think they are offering them: 'news' hardly seems the word for a lot of it. Nothing wrong with taking a line, of course, but there's a difference between taking a line and crossing one. No prizes for guessing which paper sent out the following bundle of headlines.

Rotherham child abuse gang leader wanted IVF
Pupils who go private get ahead by two years
City lawyer in court over ‘sex outside station’
Peerages for Cameron supporters in EU referendum campaign
‘Meddling’ Britain feels wrath of Iran
Refugees can be cleared from Jungle, French court decides

After 'news' comes 'opinion', so they're distinguished in someone's mind at least. Top of the list is Melanie Phillips: ‘Project Fear looks more like mafia blackmail.’ (By 'Project Fear' she means the campaign to keep Britain in the EU.)

Two of three ‘must reads’:

Blow for Cameron as migration reaches ‘new norm’ of 320,000 – three times more than the government’s target

The Savile Inquiry report was finally published yesterday: Five BBC staff missed chances to end his decades of depravity, but Liz Kershaw argues the report’s author has let the Corporation’s top management off the hook

And right at the top, the must read of must reads:

The rise of the swivel-eyed activist is giving ordinary voters unpalatable choices, says Philip Collins, so if the prospect of Trump or Corbyn in power scares you, it’s time to make sure that the voice of moderation is heard

Which paper sent out this edifying array of enticements? That's right: the voice of moderation itself, the paper of record, Rupert Murdoch’s Times.


  • 27 February 2016 at 1:21am
    Graucho says:
    Lot of column inches and media stories about the tax affairs of Google, Starbucks Amazon et al. Precious little about Mr Rupert Murdoch. Is there a reason ? I think we should be told.

  • 27 February 2016 at 8:20am
    cufflink says:
    Thomas Jones and the LRB are of course moderationists but even more culpable of moderationcide than the moderating Rupert Murdoch or the infuriating Melanie Phillips. Editors by definition are not democrats but demagogues arbitrating so called truth or accuracy in the name of their reputation on their sales capital and readership.
    Where does the peer group of the LRB lie? Is it inside house or outside world?
    Nevertheless Thomas, keep up the good work!

  • 27 February 2016 at 12:22pm
    ejh says:
    It's a shame it doesn't shout louder about its recent habit of running stridently pro-Saudi Arabia comment pieces from the likes of Rogers Boyes.