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Motorway Accident in Wales

Tariq Ali

On Wednesday I received four calls from the BBC's Good Morning Wales.

First morning call: was I available to be interviewed about Gaza tomorrow morning? I said yes.

First afternoon call: could I tell them what I would say? I said (a) Israel was a rogue state, pampered and cosseted by the US and its vassals. (b) Targeting and killing Palestinian children (especially boys) and blaming the victims was an old Israeli custom. (c) The BBC coverage of Palestine was appalling and if they didn't cut me off I would explain how and why.

Second afternoon call: was I prepared to debate a pro-Israeli? I said yes.

Afternoon message left on my phone: terribly sorry. There's been a motorway crash in Wales, so we've decided to drop your item.


  • 18 July 2014 at 2:38pm
    Greencoat says:
    Thank God the nation was spared these lies.

  • 19 July 2014 at 1:13am
    rupert moloch says:
    Seems like Israel is expanding its ground operations while the world's attentions are diverted elsewhere...

    But: surely? it must be said - the Hamas' practice of firing those pointless rockets willy-nilly over the border is completely bonkers.

    Hamas are just a parish mafia bankrolled by Sunni oil interests.

  • 19 July 2014 at 4:23am
    tony lynch says:
    Well done Rupert. Pat yourself on the back. Trolls can do that, apparently.

    • 4 August 2014 at 8:13am
      rupert moloch says: @ tony lynch
      Forgive me if I seem flippant, but I was quite in earnest.

      The Israeli administration commits war crimes & crimes against humanity, crimes against the law of the sea, on a regular basis: population transfer, forced expropriation of goods and land from subject civilian populations, collective punishment.

      But Hamas are inept by any measure, whether it is providing services to their citizens in the Gaza strip, or negotiating to achieve a Palestinian state.

      Firing rockets & mortars over the border brings no benefit to the Palestinian people. "Bows and arrows against the lightning".

      This military confrontation that they've provoked... all those lives lost... and what will be gained for the Palestinian people from all this?

  • 19 July 2014 at 10:27am
    philip proust says:
    Surely the Israelis didn't arrange the motorway crash in Wales.

    • 20 July 2014 at 6:29am
      Palinure says: @ philip proust
      That wasn't implied.

  • 21 July 2014 at 4:16am
    farthington says:
    Why not? They've arranged everything else.
    Remember the 5 dancing Israelis in New Jersey's Liberty State Park when the twin towers were hit 9/11?

  • 22 July 2014 at 2:13am
    Golo says:
    I notice, Tariq, that you have been running up to Scotland to agitate energetically for them to break away form Britain, the country that gave you right of residence all these years. You can't contain yourself when it comes to enthusiasm for Scottish separatism. Yet when you were recently asked if it would be a good thing if Sindh province in your own Pakistan should break away you were definitely against.

    Double standards.....

  • 24 July 2014 at 1:25am
    Richard Abram says:
    It's not really surprising that Tariq Ali is such a great pal of Richard Ingrams's, is it?

    "First afternoon call: could I tell them what I would say? I said (a) Israel was a rogue state, pampered and cosseted by the US and its vassals. (b) Targeting and killing Palestinian children (especially boys) and blaming the victims was an old Israeli custom*. (c) The BBC coverage of Palestine was appalling and if they didn’t cut me off I would explain how and why."

    *He means "old Jewish custom" - the old blood libel - but knows he can't quite say that.

    RA [CofE, incidentally]

  • 25 July 2014 at 10:51am
    niallmeehan says:
    It profits the BBC nothing to broadcast criticism of its Gaza reporting. It has sold its soul for a car crash in Wales.

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